Sunday, 28 May 2023



“Why should everyone read children’s book?” was the topic of discussion in the blog chatter’s Writ fest 2023 conducted on 26th May 2023 in FB at 7.00 pm.  This session was concluded around 7.45 pm. 12 people sent their likes, 34 people sent their comments including myself, and 12K people have watched this session.  Shalini R has moderated the programme by collecting and combining the questions of the viewers or participants.  Sonia Mehta and Sohini Mitra were invited speakers.

The following were the points on discussion:

1. Both the authors have written lot of books for children, started    newspapers exclusively for kids and conceptualized quizzes for T.V.  They shared their insights on what gets children’s attention, be it books or any other content meant for them.

2. Among the fiction or non-fiction books, curriculum based stories make popularity of the fiction variety was also the part of the discussion.

3. Their books cover an enormous amount of information and activities for kids to do.  These were the result of the research process carried out by them is the point to be noted.

4. The speakers were also working to minimize the textual errors in the children books that occur during the publication.

5. They also discussed about how can children’s book be made visually appealing, the designs which typically fit for a book, its  Cover ,  illustrations, font size, design and layout  properly done with the assistance of a designing team.  Finally according to the age of the children, books need to be prepared.

6.  Why Toys & learning tool equipment are very important?  Sonia Mehta insisted that stories and games etc are the major learning tools for the children which help them to do their activities in the right manner. She gave the example of Harry Potter.  Learning outcomes are more attained by these learning tools is the key point to be noted.

7.  Both the authors have seen book-trends over the years.  They expressed their opinions on how much do children drive the book-buying decision and how can the parents and teachers give them more agency to choose from?

Answering the above question, Solini Mitra emphasized that the cost or the price of the book is the matter.  Children are not aware of the cost of the books.  Parents should have such culture of visiting the bookshops, book-fairs along with their children.  They should read with their children together.  Choice of taking books from the library like comics, fictions etc. are more beneficial factors.

Authors, publishers should collaborate with schools to make the book-clubs.  Choice of books stimulates the children’s decision making which will change the present scenario of reading books.


Sonia suggested that the schools have to play a major role and help children take different books from their own school library.   With this they can definitely discuss and know with other that who has taken what sort of book.

Shalini asked both writers/authors that “which books are you reading?”  Sonia Mehta answered that she was always reading the books written by Jane Austen and Sohini Mitra told that she used to read many fictions, particularly Akbar and Birbal.    

Finally, the session was concluded with the question that “Do you consciously write in lucid language”.  Both of them were outspoken about the level of words and size of the book, number of pages and words to be maintained.  They urged that one should write the stories based on the understanding level of the children.

(This blogpost is a part of Blogchatter's writfest2023)

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