Thursday, 25 August 2022







AN extra ordinary efforts of an writer and his courage and guts to use the familiar and great personalities of the two nations of the world, one being the world’s largest democracy, is a task that definitely commands a huge appreciation.

Amit Majmudar, the first Poet Laureate of Ohio, and a challenging nuclear radiologist apart from award-winning poet, is the author of this book which is critically acclaimed with the historical facts of the two nations.

This book has been published by Harper Collins Publishers India, in this year 2022. The book has six parts totally making up to 330 pages.  Each part has an individual title along with the quotes from Plutarch’s Parallel lives which render the easy under-standing about the forthcoming chapters.

The theme or the plot of the novel only is a true thing or a factual evidence which made a remarkable turn in the life of the two nations and its people.

How all these happened or might have happened?   The answers we all search in our history, political science or more precisely in our civics books dealing with the politics or the Indian political issues.

An idea to develop a plot basing on a true incident has already finds place in the world of Literature.

With particular reference to Sanskrit Literature, there are many poets who have taken a part from a mythology, an Epic or Upanishads and have spun it around with developing various themes, morals, and other different dimensions to a particular theme or a concept.

This is termed as AITHIHASIKAM in Sanskrit. More of it is a value added or adding option to a vast composition with a twist or viewing or dealing it with another angle.

This concept is actually adopted in the south Indian film Industry where the films viz., Rama-Anjaneya Yuddham and Krishna-Arjuna Yuddham picturise the characters from Epics with  fictional anecdotes. Reading the book - THE MAP AND THE SCISSORS brings back and revives the old concept of Aithihaasikam.

This book makes a refreshing read with a political and historical issues dealt in a refining fashion. The novel throws light on the language, accent, and its pronunciations with regard to English, Hindustani, Gujarathi, and Urdu.

The impact of language, religion and caste on those times and how they managed to tackle issues like untouchability and superstition are delicately handled.

Studying abroad, learning a foreign language and having a command of on it and its effects and side effects in addressing gatherings and meetings during the freedom struggle is put forth in an elegant way.

The programs like Satyagraha, Dandi March, Non- cooperation movement  and the sudden decision to have a separate nation and how the germination of the word “partition” stems ups is thoroughly brought out in a professional way.

The novel takes the readers on travel to places like Paris, London, South Africa along with many parts of India. The communities and cultures of different people and its blend with the lives of the people of India makes a point to ponder.

The naming of the new nation as PAKISTAN and a reason behind its name and the meaning is finely coded by the author in a more justifying method.

The book deals with the bygone era of the two nations and the way they formed or split into two. The reasons behind it and the way the people managed to adjust to the changes and the role of characters like Gandhi, Jinnah, Fatima, Patel, Nehru and Iqbal are successful in keeping the readers hooked in.

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