Friday, 26 January 2018

श्रीवेलामूरुश्रीसुन्दरवरदराजस्तोत्रम् Part II


zuu_adSsuodae vrd> iàydae sul_aSsugmSsuv&tSsucr>,
kmlaiàykae kmnIymuoae k&pya Tvrya pirr]tu n>. 1 .
kilkLm;naznkar[k< ké[aiÔRtlaecnkaimtdm!,
vrdayksuNdrrajiv_au< klyaim muda à[maim sda. 2 .
_avta _avtarkhetumta _avtap-_avaiÄRhre[ sda,
rm[en rmaiàyke[ muda pirpailtvNt _avam vym!. 3 .
hrye vnmailn @v mm rm[Iymuoay rmaptye    ,
vsudevsutay vragx&te  vrday sda _avtaiÏ nm> . 4 .
n&hre> ikl tÅvpr< n #h _auvn< _auvneZvràaÝimdm!     ,
Tvd&te g[ye n git< c pra< ivjyI _av suNdrrajiv_aae . 5 .
zr[agtmanvzmRk&tae mr[avixjPysumNÇvt> ,
kr[e;u zu_aaE _artaidnutaE vrdSy ih me cr[aE zr[m! . 6 .
ingme ingmaNtguéStvne ùdye muinsJjn_aUpn&[am! ,
kmlag&hmeixn #NÔpuraE rmta< vrde=Stu c me zr[m! . 7 .
mxusUdn kEq_amadRink mxuram&tdayk masiht      , 
mxuraNtkm{flmaNypd mxuraiNvtjIvnmaidz n> . 8 .

H;-kUmR-vrah-n&is<h-iv_aae vrvamn-_aagRv-dazrwe     ,
bl_aÔ-mukuNd-sukiLkmte vrdayk me=Stu sda zr[m!  . 9 .
jIvn< dENyriht< AayasrihtaiNtmm! ,
deih n> k&pya iv:[ae Tviy _ai´mcÂlam! .  10 .
ydunaayk r"upu¼v nrkasurdmn
murkEq_a mxu-dU;[-or-rav[zmn ,
xr[Ixr-zynIk&t kmlaytnyn
sugu[akr sujnaicRt zr[agitnyn . 11 .
A @v jgdaxar> Amev stt< _aje ,  
@n svRimd< s&:q< Aay me-Stu nmae nm>   . 12 .
AaiÏ naiSt pr< tÅvm! ASyah< _ai´maNsda ,
@ iSwte tu _ay< naiSt A he mamuÏr à_aae.13.                                        
ivna suNdrez< n nawae n naw> sda suNdrez< Smraim Smraim ,
hre suNdrez àsId àsId        iày< suNdrez àyCD àyCD  . 14 .
vy< TvaiNtke te pdaMbaejyuGm-à[ameCDya==gTy seva< c kumR>,  
sk&Tsevya=Sm_ymanNd_aUit<  àyCD àyCD iïya sakmIz   . 15.
      .  ïIvelamUé ïI–suNdr-vrd-raj-StaeÇ< sMpU[Rm! .              

Saturday, 20 January 2018

वेलामूरु श्रीलक्ष्मीनारायण - श्रीसुन्दरवरदराजस्वामि सुप्रभातम् -Part - I

Image result for image of Velamoor perumal

kaEsLyasuàj ram pUvaRsNXya àvtRte     ,
%iTt:Q nrzadURl ktRVy< dEvmaiûkm!    .
%iTt:QaeiTt:Q gaeivNd %iTt:Q géfXvj,
%iTt:Q kmlakaNt ÇElaKy< m¼l< kué .
vIrsaEMy ivbuXySv velamUéinvask    ,
velatIta iv_aae ivZv< vI]ta< ivrjapte. 1.
velamUrIzma*< ivbuxjnnut< ivZvvN*< surez<
ïImCÀIr¼ramanujyitpits<:qUyma[< mhezm!,
ïImCÀIr¼ramanujmuingué[a s<ygaraixt< ïI -
lúmInaray[< suNdrvrdiv_au< _aavye _aagRvIzm!. 2 .
matSsmStjgta< mxuijiTàye=Stu        naray[iàytme nrnakseVye ,
ïIr¼lúm[munINÔnute    c     vela-mUrIzidVydiyte tv suà_aatm! . 3 .
tv suàÉatmn"e sulaecne     Évtu à)uLljljanne ihte ,
tv suàsNnùdye suraiwRte      rm[Iyrajdiyte dyainxe   . 4 .
àTnae ýudeit puéhUtidiz à_aate s'!"at"aertms> às_a< inéNxn!,
pÒain pUjnmitivRkcYy vela-mUrIzrMyvrdayk suà_aatm!  . 5 .
àat> àbaexnixyStvsiNnxaE Tva< à}aSsmeTy cr[avinpUjnawRm!,
àTyipRta injmnaenilnain vela-mUrIz suNdrivra”v suà_aatm! . 6 .
nageNÔ _a&¼ turgeNÔ m&geNÔlaek nakeNÔb&Nd _aujgeNÔ ivh¼meNÔa>,
TvÖI][Ek)lka'!i][ siNt vela-mUrIz suNdriv_aae tv suà_aatm! . 7 .
s<àae][ay tv mUxRin vEidkaSte sÝapgasihtsagrtIwRmuOyE>,
s<pUyRma[klza> à_aviNt vela-mUrIzrMyvrdayk suà_aatm! . 8 .
A¸yaRid;aefzivxEépcarmuOyE> #NÔaiGnkalvé[àmuoaSsmeTy ,
TvTpadpUjnixya==gtvNt vela-mUrIzsuNdrivra”v suà_aatm! . 9 .
AkReNdu _aaEm bux vaKpit zu³ mNd Sv_aaRnu ketv #it ¢hnaykaSte,
Aa}eiPsta _auvninvRhnay vela-mUrIz suNdriv_aae tv suà_aatm!. 10 .
Aaraxnay _avtae iTvh siNt vela-mUrIz rMyvrdayk suà_aatm! . 11 .
puNnag cMpk supaql mi‘kai_a> k’ar ketik mnaehr kuNdpu:pE> ,
ivàa ih pUijtuimhaepgtaZc vela-mUrIz suNdrivra”v suà_aatm! . 12 .
kasar _aUt mhdaþy _ai´sar gaeda su_a” zQvEir supa[ zI;RE>,
_a´a'!iºre[u mxurazukvIift ïI-lúmIz suNdriv_aae tv suà_aatm! . 13 .
\Ksamk&:[yjuraOyszu¬vedE> gaNxvRsawRxnurayuiritàisÏE> ,
s<_aaivtaepingmESStuiti_aZc vela-mUrIz rMyvrdayk suà_aatm! . 14 .
$zaid ken kQ mu{fk @etrey ma{fUKy DaNds mhavn itÄrI[am! ,
àZnaepnE;drs}sumaNy vela-mUrIz suNdrivra”v suà_aatm! . 15 .
muÌaNn pays guFaNn itlaNn oa*a> dXyaedne]u mxu duGx rsaiNvtaí ,
TvTàItye Tviy inveidtvNt vela-mUrIz suNdriv_aae tv suà_aatm! . 16 .
AaidTy éÔ iziovahn vayví äüeNÔ nardmuoa vsví saXya> ,
it:QiNt naq(ki[kaSsmupeTy vela-mUrIz rMyvrdayk suà_aatm! . 17 .
masaeTsvtuR supivÇ vsNt p] faelaynaid ivivxaeTsv muOy_aUtE> ,
Tva< àI[ne smuidtaSsujnaí vela-mUrIz suNdrivra”v suà_aatm! . 18 .
tu{fIrm{fl_auv< kirrajzEl< ivSm&Ty s<àit jnaNpirpalnawRm! ,
AagTy suiSwt icr< k&pyaÇ vela-mUrIz suNdriv_aae tv suà_aatm!. 19 .
#Tw< ih suNdrivraq! àitbaexnawR< nIvR{[ nam kiv inimRt ( s<Stut ) suà_aatm! ,
ïIsuNdrezk&pya piQtaSsu_a´a> sNtu àsNnix;[a> pirpailataSte . 20 .

.  ïIvelamUé ïI–suNdr-vrd-raj-suà_aat-StaeÇ< sMpU[Rm!  .


Sunday, 14 January 2018

मम ब्लाग् रचानानुभवः


            Image result for image of ist anniversary of the blog

Aiy Éae maNya> sveR_y> mkrs<³aiNtzuÉazya>,  gtmkrs<³aiNtzuÉidnadar_y @tavTkalpyRNt< 
àitsPtah< ikmip Vyas< Blag! #it s¼[kyNÇÖara 
àkazn< kuvRÚaiSm,  y*iÖ;y< }atvan! tdev mya 
iliot< àkaiztÂ, ye t< iv;y< piQt< }atu #CDiNt 
piQTva ma< àaeTsahyNtu #it iv}apyaim.

                              Image result for image of first anniversary blogwriting

Friday, 5 January 2018

Samasya = Riddle & Prahelika + Puzzle or Enigma in Sanskrit

smSya = Riddle  & àheilka  =   Puzzle or Enigma
     Some sentences will be inconsistent when viewed superficially.  But when another sentence related is read along with, the meaning of the former becomes apparent.  “Slokas” that contain this type of meaning are called smSya = Riddle.  In àheilka  words are coined to present a meaning outwardly hiding its original meaning.              Here is a smSya = Riddle :-      v;RSyEk< idn< gaErI pitvKÇ< n pZyit,                                            Parvati does not see the face of her husband Isvara on one day in a year.  The solution for this samasya is simple.                                       ÉaÔzuKlctuWya¡ tu cNÔdzRnz»ya.”   There is a belief that, if one observes the moon on the day of Caturthi of Bhadrapada SuklaPaksha, he will get a blame of stealing something.  Because of the fear of seeing the moon in the head of Isvara, Gouri does not see His face on that particular day. 
Here is a àheilka = Puzzle:-   Agjann pÒak¡ gjannmhinRzm!,  AnekdNt< ÉKtana< @kdNtmupaSmhe. We worship Him day and night, that Elephant faced Lord who is (like) the Sun to the Lotus face of the daughter of the mountain (Parvati).  We worship that one tusked lord and the bestower of many things to His devotees.

Note:  The words Agjannm!  & gjannm! ” “AnekdNt< & @kdNtm! appear to be contradicting each other.  But, when they are split in aproper way, the contradiction disappears.                                         “Agjaya> Aannm! = Agjannm!   & Anekd< t< = AnekdNt<

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

चाटुश्लोकः = Witty Saying

A learned man had a daughter, who was well-versed in learning.  She made it a point to test the learning of those youths who sought her hand in marriage.  Once a prospective bridegroom came.  His  knowledge was limited to the declension of ram zBd (Rama Sabda).  Yet he thought himself a learned man.  The daughter of the learned man asked: “In which case are the words ivhSy (Vihasya) and ivhay (Vihāya)?  The youth answered that they are respectively in the ;óI ivÉiKt> = Genitive and the ctuwIR ivÉiKt> = Dative cases.  Again the young-lady asked him, “What is the case of Ah<?  The young man replied that it is in iÖtIya ivÉiKt> = the accusative case,   remembering ram< = Ramam in the accusative case.  You know that the answers given by the youth were not correct.  In fact  ivhSy (Vihasya) and ivhay (Vihāya) are not in any case because they are indeclinable.  Ah< is not in the Accusative case, but in the Nominative case.     The daughter of the learned man could immediately make out the that the young man’s knowledge was limited to only ram zBd (Rama Sabda).  She said to her father:-
ySy ;óI ctuwIR Syat! ivhSy ivhay c,
ySyah< c iÖtIya Syat! iÖtIya Syamh< kwm! ?.
How can I become second iÖtIya i.e., a wife to him, who declares that
ivhSy (Vihasya) and ivhay (Vihāya) are in the  ;óI ivÉiKt> = Genitive and the ctuwIR ivÉiKt> = Dative cases, and  Ah< is in the Accusative case?

Selected Slokas from the Srimad-Ramayanam

            The following verses are selected from the Srimad Ramayanam of Sri Valmiki.   According to Indian tradition, Ramayanam is the ...