Friday, 15 December 2017


                                 Image result for IMAGE OF MEGHA SANDESA

Introduction :-
It is said that there was a poet by name "qo)Rr-Ghaţakharpara who was one among the “ nine-gems” in the royal court of Vikramaditya the great of Mouryan dynasty of sixthe century A.D.  The king Vikramaditya was a great patron of literature and in his court these nine scholarly poets were collectively know from the following famous padyam :-
xNvNtir-]p[k- Amris<h-z'!ku-vetalÉ”-"qo)Rr-kaildasa>,
Oyatae vrahimihrae n&pte> sÉaya<  rÆain vE vréic> nv iv³mSy .

Khyato varahamihiro nrpates sabhayam
Ratnani vai vararucir nava vikramasya”.
This verse is found in a work called Jyotividabharanam of nineth century A.D.  Apart from this evidence nothing is known about his date or personal history.  The name of the poet is understood from 23rd verse of his own poem where he promises that to him “Whoever the poet could surpass him in applying “Yamaka”, he would bear water through a pitcher of a pot.
It is an example to a lyric poem of a very artificial but beautiful and consisting of only twenty three stanzas.  This is full of alliteration of the figurative ( zBdal»ar>) Yamaka (ymkm!) = Chime type and the poet takes pride in it.  Hence the self-praise of the poet  is well deserved and his work inspite of Yamaka is free and exquisite.  Moreover, the greatnes and high estimation in which the poet has been respectfully retained with commetories of AbhinavaGupta, Jivananda, Govardhana son of Ghanasyama, Kamalakara, Kucalakaci, Vaidyanatha,  BharataMallika of Sankara, VindhyesvariPrasad and other anonymous.
 Apart from this poem, Nitisara - a Short didactic poem in twenty one verses is believed as attributed to the poet Ghatakharphara.  His unquestionable erudition and composing skill of poetry are comprehended by the following verse of the cannoiseur Divakara son of Vidyavilasa I doubtless:-
“Ghatakharpharena ghatitam Kavinas kalapakavyam yadyamakaih
 Tasya mayarthavivaranam karaniyam karanam dhiyas sudhiyam”

                  inyt< omupeTy nIrdE>      iàyhInaùdyavnIrdE>,
                  sillEivRiht< rj> i]taE  rivcNÔavipnaepli]taE. 1.
   iàyhInaùdyavnIrdE> (iàye[ hInaya> ùdyaOy AvnI< àit   ywa $r<-¬ez< ddait twaÉUtE> tE>) nIrdE> %peTy o< inyt< sillE> i]taE rj> iviht< rivcNÔaE Aip n %pli]taE. 1.
             h<sa ndNme"Éyad! ÔviNt  inzamuoaNy* n cNÔviNt,
             nvaMbumÄa> izionae ndiNt   me"agme kuNdsmandiNt. 2.
    h<sa> ndn! me"-Éyat! (mansraevr<) ÔviNt, A*  kuNdsmandiNt inzamuoain cNÔviNt n, nvaMbumÄa> izion> me"agme ndiNt. 2.
me"av&t< iniz n Éait nÉae ivtar<   inÔa=_yupEit c hir< suoseivtarm!,
seNÔayuxí jldae=* rsiÚÉana<      s<rMÉmavhit ÉUxrsiÚÉanam! . 3.
    iniz me"av&t< At @v ivtar< nÉ> n Éait,  suoseivtar< hir<  inÔa A_yupEit c, A* seNÔayux> jldí rsn! ÉUxrsiÚÉana< #Éana< s<rMÉ< Aavhit. 3.
stif¾ldaipRt< nge;u  SvndMÉaexrÉItpÚge;u,
pirxIrrv< jl< drI;u    àptTyÑutêpsuNdrI;u. 4.
       Svnd!-AMÉaexr-ÉIt-pÚge;u nge;u (twa) AÑut-êp- suNdrI;u drI;u pirxIr-rv< stift!-jld-AipRt< jl<   àptit. 4.
i]à< àsadyit s<àit kae=ip tain   kaNtamuoain ritiv¢hkaeiptain,
%Tk{QyiNt piwkaÃlda> SvnNt>  zaek> smuÑvit tÖintaSvnNt> . 5.
      s<àit kae=ip ritiv¢hkaeiptain tain kaNtamuoain i]à< àsadyit, jlda> SvnNt> piwkan! %Tk{QyiNt, tÖintasu AnNt> zaek> smuÑvit c. 5.
Daidte idnkrSy Éa-vne   oa¾le ptit zaekÉavne,
mNmwe c ùid hNtumu*te       àaei;tàmdyedmu*te. 6.
     idnkrSy Éa-vne (me"E>Daidte oat! zaekÉavne jle ptit, mNmwe ùid hNtum!  %*te àaei;tàmdya #dm! c %*te. 6.
svRkalmitl'!¸y taeyda   Aagta> Sw diytae gtae yda,
in"R&[en prdezseivna          mariy:yw n ten ma< ivna. 7.
    he taeyda>  svRkalm! Aitl'!¸y yda diytae gt> (tda yUy<) Aagta> Sw, in"R&[en prdezseivna ten ivna ma< n mariy:yw . 7.
äUt t< piwkpa<zul< "na>    yUymev piwzIºl'!"na>,
ANydezritr* muCytam!   sawva tv vxU> ikmuCytam!. 8.
 he "na> t< piwk-pa<zul< äUt, (yt>yUym! @v piw-zIº-l'!"na>, (vKtVymahA* ANydezrit> muCytam!  Awva satv vxU> ikm! %Cytam! ?. 8.
             h<spi“rip naw s<àit           àiSwta ivyit mans< àit,
             catkae=ip t&i;tae=Mbu yacte  du>iota piwk sa iàya c te. 9.
     he naw h<spi“> Aip s<àit ivyit mans< àit àiSwta, catk>   Aip t&i;t> (sn!AMbu yacte, he piwk sa te  iàya  c du>iota (Tvdagmn< yacte). 9.
            nIlz:pmitÉait kaeml<     vair ivNdit c catkae=mlm!,
            AMbudE> iziog[ae ivna*te   ka rit> iày mya ivna=* te. 10.
           kaeml< nIlz:pm! AitÉait, catk> c Aml< vair ivNdit,
       AMbudE> iziog[> iv-na*te, he iày mya ivna A* te ka  rit>?. 10.
                me"zBdmuidta> klaipn>  àaei;taùdyzaek-laipn>,
                taeydagmk&za c sa* te      duxRre[ mdnen sa*te. 11.
      me"zBdmuidta> klaipn> àaei;taùdyzaek-laipn> (ÉviNt), taeydagmk&za c sa te A* duxRre[ mdnen sa*te. 11.
             ik< k&paip tv naiSt kaNtya  pa{fug{fpittalkaNtya,
      zaeksagrjle=* paitta<     td!gu[Smr[mev pait tam!. 12.
    pa{fug{fpittalkaNtya kaNtya ik< tv k&pa Aip naiSt? A* (Tvya) zaeksagrjle paitta< ta< td!gu[-Smr[mev pait. 12.
           kusuimt-kuqje;u kanne;u          iày-rihte;u smuTsukanne;u,
           Ôvit c klu;e jle ndIna< ikimit c ma< smve]se n dInam!. 13.
  kanne;u kusuimt-kuqje;u (sTsu) iày-rihte;u smuTsukanne;u (sTsu)  ndIna< Ôvit jle klu;e (sit) dIna< ma< ikimit n smve]se c. 13.
       mageR;u me"sillen ivnaizte;u   kamae xnu> Sp&zit ten ivna izte;u,
       gMÉIrme"ristVyiwta kdah<    jýa< sioiàyivyaegjzaekdahm!. 14.
     me"sillen mageR;u ivnaizte;u ten ivna kam> izte;u xnu> Sp&zit,
gMÉIr-me"-rist-Vyiwta Ah< kda sio-iày-ivyaegj-zaek-dah< jýam! ?. 14.
                susugiNxtya vne=ijtana< SvndMÉaexrvatvIijtanam!,
                mdnSy k&te inketnana<   àitÉatIh vnain ketkanam!. 15.
    #h susugiNxtya vne Aijtana< SvndMÉaexr-vat-vIijtana< mdnSy k&te inketnana< ketkana< vnain àitÉaiNt. 15.

                                                 Image result for IMAGE OF MEGHA SANDESA

                 tTsaxu yÅva< sutra< ssjR   àjapit> kaminvassjR,
                 Tv< mÃrIiÉ> àvrae vnana<  neÇaeTsvíais syaEvnanam!. 16.
      he kaminvas sjR! àjapit> yÅva< ssjR tt! sutra< saxu, vnana< àvr> Tv< mÃrIiÉ> syaEvnana< neÇaeTsv> c Ais. 16.
       nvkdMbizrae=vntaiSm te   vsit te mdn> kusumiSmte,
       kuqj ik< kusumEéphSyte      ài[ptaim c du:àsý te. 17.
      he nvkdMb! (Ah<te izr> Avnta AiSm, te kusumiSmte mdn> vsit, (he) kuqjkusumE> (ma†Gjn>ikm! %phSyte? du:àsý te c ài[ptaim. 17.
       tévr ivntaiSm te sdah<   ùdy< me àkraei; ik< sdahm!,
       tv kusuminrI][e=pde=h<   ivs&jey< shsEv nIp dehm!. 18.
      he tévr nIp Ah< te ivnta AiSm, me ùdy< ik< sdah< àkraei;?
       tv kusuminrI][e (sitAhm! Apde shsa @v deh< ivs&jeym!. 18.
       kusumEépzaeiÉta< istE>   "nmu´aMbulvàhaistE>,
      mxun> smveúy kalta< æmríuMbit yUiwkaltam!. 19.
     æmr> mxun> kalta< smveúy istE> "nmu´aMbulvàhaistE> kusumE> %pzaeiÉta< yUiwkalta< cuMbit.19.
   tasam&tu> s)l @v ih ya idne;u   seNÔayuxaMbuxrgijRtduidRne;u,
   rTyuTsv< iàytmE> sh manyiNt  me"agme iàysoIí smanyiNt. 20.
     ya ih seNÔayuxaMbuxr-gijRt-duidRne;u idne;u iàytmE> sh rTyuTsv< manyiNtme"agme iàysoI> c smanyiNt, tasam!  @v tu> s)l>. 20.
   kaeiklæmrkaekkUijte   mNmwen skle vne ijte,
  ingRtae=is zQ mais maxve naepyais ziyte=ip maxve. 21.
        he zQ kaeikl-æmr-kaek-kUijte maxve mais mNmwen skle vne ijte sit (mTsakazat!ingRt> Ais, maxve ziyte=ip naepyais?. 21.
  @tiÚzMy ivrhanlpIiftaya>   tSya vc> olu dyalurpIiftaya>,
  s> Svarve[ kiwt< jldErmae"E>   àTyayyaE sdnmUnidnErmae"E>. 22.
     $iftaya> ivrhanlpIiftaya> tSya @tt!-vc> Amae"E> jldE>  Svarve[ kiwt< inzMy s> olu dyalu> Aip Amae"E> ^nidnE> sdn< àTyayyaE.22.
Éavanur´vintasurtE> zpey<  AalMBy caMbut&i;t> krkaezpeym!,
jIyey yen kivna ymkE> pre[   tSmE vheymudk< "qopRre[. 23.
      Éavanur´-vinta-surtE> t&i;t> kr-kaez-pey< AMbu AalMBy zpeym! , yen pre[ kivna ymkE> jIyey tSmE "q-opRre[ %dk< vheym!.23.
.#it "qo)Rr-sNdez-kaVym! s<pU[Rm!.

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