Saturday, 17 June 2017

गुरोः महिमा

          Image result for images of guru and shishyas
AacayRvan! pué;ae ved #it vedvcnm!, 
AacayR> gué #it c %Cyte, ywa==h -

gu zBdSTvNxkar> Syat! é zBd> tiÚraexk>,
ANxkarinraeixTvat! gué> #TyiÉxIyte.

gué> iz:ySy A}an< nazyit #TyvgMyte, Amu< iv;y<

A}anitimraNxSy }anaÃnzlakya,
c]uéNmIilt< yen tSmE ïIgurve nm>.
#it Zlaek> ÔFIkraeit, gué> iz:ya[a< magRdzRkae 
Évit, iZ:ya[amuÚTyE gué> inrNtr< àyÆ< kraeit, 
SoailTye zaistar< #it vedaNtdeizkacayR> vdit, 
kae gué> AixgttÅv> iz:yihtayae*t> sttimit 
Aaidz»racayR> viKt, At> iz:ya> vy< svRe SvkIyan! 
guên!  pUjyam>, AÇedmuCyte -

;f¼aid vedae muoe zaSÇiv*a kivTvaid p*< sug*< kraeit,
mníeÚ lGn< guraer'!iºpÒe tt> ik< tt> ikm!.
At> gurae> padarivNd< svRda Smram>, At>

kamaidspRìjgaéfa_ya< ivvekvEraGyinixàda_yam!,

Éaegàda_ya< x&itmae]da_ya< name nm> ïIguépaduka_yam!.

                Image result for images of guru and shishyas

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