Sunday, 28 July 2024

OH! MY LOVABLE - A Short story -Part I



 It was a day in the spring season.  Birds are chirping in the early morning when the sun beams slowly from the east.  The people of Chennai got ready for the day.  Nesarathnam woke up put off the alarm and became so excited by hearing the birds cry.  Then been to complete his daily routines and he is expecting the newspaper Business Line eagerly, as he invested a huge amount in the share last week.

Nesarathnam is an industrialist in Chennai.  He heads more than four companies excluding a car showroom.  On the whole, he earns about 25 crores of turnover per annum.   His beloved wife Madhivadhani, stretched the coffee cup along with the saucer.  Even the middle-aged Madhivadhani was so uncommonly beautiful lady.  That is why she attracted the mind of her husband Nesarathnam.  After a few sips of coffee, he romantically hugged her and left her immediately because their two teenage daughters Madhira and Mandhira arrived there to greet the day.  They watched the romantic state of their parents, delighted, and asked "Please appa! How did you marry our amma? When did you meet and how did you propose to her? Please clear our curiosity" 

He was being asked by his daughters, and Nesarathnam started to narrate their love story of them.

After a few minutes, Nesarathnam recalled his early days.  When Nesarathnam studied II M.Com in the Government Arts College at Pudukkottai, he proposed to a beautiful girl who was studying third-year U.G. Economics in the same college.  Her name was Mandakini.  She was a daughter of poor parents and was so intelligent that Nesarathnam was attracted.

When Nesarathnam approached and shared his wish with her, Mandakini refused by thinking of her strict father.  But, Nesarathnam went to the house of Mandakini and met her father.  Somehow, he managed to share his opinion and wooed to marry her.  But Solaiyappan, the father of Mandakini politely started to speak.

Mr. Nesarathnam, we are the tenth generation of the family belonging to this Pudukkottai.  I think you are from the North Arcot region.

Meanwhile, Madhivadhani the younger sister of Mandakini, brought a water jug with a tumbler and kept them on the table.

Oh! Young man! Have some water please, said Solaiyappan.  After a while he continued, listen young man! We have a different way of lifestyles based on our regional customs. Though you worship Goddess Renukadevi, I think you all used to eat non-veg also.  But we are vegetarian and also stick with the strict principles of MeyVazhichaalai*1. 


You may have the idea that anybody can love anyone.  But, after having married, the couple should face many socio-regional impediments. 

Nesarathnam kept quiet for some time and wished to come out from the old stigma.

Solaiyappan continued, Oh! Man! We have been in this region for many generations.  I can't give my daughter in marriage to someone who belongs to the other region. 

Nesarathnam replied though I am a descendant of Cheyyar*2, I will stay and work in a distant land which will be far away from my native.  Your daughter is also educated, and we both are capable of facing any crisis.

Of course young man! Intervened Solaiyappan.  But after marrying you my daughter has to accustom to your family's lifestyle.  She could not tolerate these troubles.  Moreover, this is an issue that needs to get the consent of the Munshief*3. I can't break the rules of the Grama Panchayath. I am unable to consider your proposal. You may give up your idea and you can leave. 


Then, Solaiyappan asked Mandakini, "Oh! My dear child! What do you think? Whether I am correct are not?  Because this is your matter.  I should not trouble you.  Though I have sent him away, if you wish to marry him, I will rethink about it and talk to the village heads.


Mandakini started to speak, "Appa, he is a very nice guy with extraordinary discipline.  But you have rightly pointed out the differences.  But .....,".


Mandaakini's silence made Solaiyappan realize that his daughter was also in love with Nesarathnam.  This made Solaiyappan recall all the earlier episodes of that regional bias.


            With great disappointment, Nesarathnam got back from there and reached his home.  He again and again remembered the words of Solaiyappan.  He was mentally disturbed by thinking about the regional bias and related cultural differences.  He wanted to break free everyone, who were entrapped in these geographical barriers. 


With the help of his education, he planned to meet the concerned authorities to gain clear knowledge about existing restrictions based on regional bias.  He was unable to forget Mandakini.  Somehow he managed to spend the days.

            After three months, the exam results came.  Nesarathnam was declared that he was the University's first and the Gold Medallist.  Moreover, he concentrated on his professional course C.A.  The tutor in the coaching centre upon observing Nesarathnam's dull demeanour, guided him to talk to the chief of the Panchayat in Pudukkottai.


Meanwhile, Solaiyappan indulged in getting permission for Mandakinis's marriage with Nesarathnam, from the village Panchayat. 


One day, Kalaimani, Solaiyappan's friend visited the latter.  He switched on the calling bell.  Madhivadhani opened the door and invited, "Hi! Kalaimani uncle! How are you? Please welcome".

            "Appa! Kalaimani uncle is visiting us.  Come here Appa", she called.

            Then, Solaiyappan came to the reception room and said, Hi! Kalai! Welcome. How are you?  How is your health?  How are your wife Marakatham and children Gopal and Gomathi?  Solaiyappan asked many questions.  Before Kalamani's answer, Solaiyappan told Madhivadhani, Amma Madhi, come here, fetch the sappotta fruit juice to Kalaimani uncle.

Kalaimani answered all the questions of Solaiyappan one by one. 

As they met after a long time they conversed for hours together.  Contextually, Solaiyappan shared the matter of his elder daughter's marriage. 

Kalaimani said, "Don't worry, Solai! I know that boy.  He is my student.     I think he will be suitable for our family. 

You mean Nesarathnam! Solaiyappan said.

Yes, said Kalaimani.

But he belongs to the North Arcot, said Solaiyappan in a shocking tone.  We should not marry people from that region in Pudukkottai. 

These are old tales.  Now things have changed and improved a lot.  Don't stick to those things.  Be practical, said Kalaimani.

                                                                               --------"TO BE CONTINUED...,"

Tuesday, 23 July 2024



Kalidasa, the celebrated author of Malavikagnimitam is a masterly describer of the influence which Nature exercises upon the minds of cannosiers (readers).  Simple and lucid, the style of Kalidasa is the most charming and elegant in the whole field of Sanskrit literature.  Malavikagnimitram the play of Kalidasa shows that the composing skill of Kalidasa who was just rising and had to fight his way into the galaxy of poets against current prejudies.

Let us know about the first verse from the play Malavikagnimitam:

एकैशेवर्ये स्थितोऽपि प्रणतबहुफले यः स्वयं कृत्तिवासाः

कान्तासम्मिश्रदेहोऽप्यविषयमनसां यः परस्ताद्यतीनाम् ।

अष्टाभिर्यस्य कृत्स्नं जगदपि तनुभिर्बिभ्रतो नाभिमानः

सन्मार्गालोकनाय व्यपनयतु स वस्तामसीं वृत्तिमीशः॥1॥

May that Lord Siva dispel your state of darkness for your perception of the righteous-path.  He is the Lord who though situate in sole supremacy profusely fruitful to the reverent, He is who himself the wearer of the skin of an elephant, who, though possessed of a body completely united with His spouse, He who transcends the ascetics whose minds are proof to sensuous appetite and He, who though holding the entire universe utilizing His eight limbs, is possessed no egotism.

                                                   (This picture was drawn by me.)

Monday, 8 July 2024




Kalidasa probably lived in the fifth century of the Christian era. This date, approximate as it is, must yet be given with considerable hesitation and is by no means certain. No truly biographical data are preserved about the author, who nevertheless enjoyed great popularity during his life, and whom the Hindus have ever regarded as the greatest of Sanskrit poets. We are thus confronted with one of the remarkable problems of literary history. Our ignorance is not due to neglect of Kalidasa's writings on the part of his countrymen but to their strange blindness concerning the interest and importance of historical fact.

Let us know about the first verse from Raghuvamsam.

वागर्थाविव सम्प्रुक्तौ वागर्थप्रतिपत्तये l

जगतः पितरौ वन्दे पार्वतीपरमेश्वरौ ll

VAgarthAviva sampruktau vAgarthapratipattaye    l

Jagatah pitarau vande pArvatIparameshvarau         ll

This is an opening sloka in Divine poet Kalidasa's Raghuvamsam.

Kalidasa prayed, "The Devine parents Sri Parvathi and Parameshwara to guide and bless him with the power words and their meanings to gain/acquire knowledge and to use/club super words to get great meanings while scripting the treasure of literature."


  Zatayupa was an ancient sage and a king of the Kekaya kingdom. He gave up his throne to his son and went to the Kurukshetra forest to me...