Friday, 17 December 2021



This great epic Mahabharatam is 8 times bigger than the Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey put together. It is said to have been written by the great poet Vyasa. But the lack of homogeneity, historical anachronisms, internal and external evidences, varying styles, stories that do not have any direct link with the main plot, the description on the various branches of learning, the philosophical explanation and various other factors prove that the original work has been amplified. At present we see Mahabharatam consisting of nearly one lakh verses including the supplement Harivamsa. It is divided into 18 sections called Parvas.   Among them the Santi Parva is the longest Parva containing about 14700 verses and the last one Svarga Aarohana Parva is the shortest one with 200 verses.  After composing the Mahabharatam it is believed that Vyasa had taught the same to his disciples. The theme of the work was a war between two cousin brothers over the kingship of a large territory. But in the present volume of Mahabharatam we have a number of queries raised by Janamejaya and other sages and answers given by Vaisampayana and others. This is evidenced in the prefixes like Vaisampayana told, Sages told, Janamejaya toldetc. How can these questions and their answers have formed part of the original text composed by Vyasa? Hence we must accept that the work must have been amplified later. This is proved by various statements still preserved in Mahabharatam itself by oversight or owing to the absence of motives to expunge them. Even according to traditions there are three beginnings in Mahabharatan. There are also statements giving different lengths of the work, different types of division and different names.


            The original epic was historic in nature and not didactic. It is specifically called "Itihaasa"– (account of ancient happenings). In the beginning it was called "Jayam".  In the last portions of the epic the word ‘jayama\’ "Jayam" is referred to in the following statement ‘jayaao naama [ithasaao|yama\’. ‘jayama\’ "Jayam" means victory. It is probably symbolising the victory of Pandavas over the Kauravas. The length of the book cannot be ascertained. However Prof.Mcdonald states that this must have consisted of 8800 verses. Some scholars believe that this number refers to the ‘kUTSlaaok’s or tricky verses composed by Vyasa to detain ‘ivanaayak:’ – Lord Vinayaka. But some scholars believe that on a careful analysis we can come to a conclusion that these tricky verses, even if they are traced in the present Mahabharatam, could not have formed part of the original epic. Except for the beginning no other internal evidence states the length of the original text. Hence we have to state that Vyasa composed the first stage of Mahabharatam and named it as ‘jayasaMihta’---"Jaya Samhita".

 II Stage:

            This edition may be called the edition of ‘vaOSaMpayana’ – Vaisampayana. He was the disciple of Vyasa. Vyasa taught ‘jayama\’ "Jayam" to five of his pupils. Each one of them came out with an edition of their own. The edition brought out by Vaisampayana is the only one available now. All others are lost. The Asvamedha Parva = ‘ASvamaoQa pva- ’ ascribed to one ‘jaOimaina:’ Jaimini is available in fragments. This also points out that the original work must have been amplified later. ‘janamaojaya:’ Janamejaya,  son of prIixat\ Parikshit and the grandson of Ajau-na: Arjuna performed a snake sacrifice ³sap-yaaga:´ to avenge the death of his father. In the intervals of that sacrifice Vaisampayana was requested to narrate the epic composed by his teacher Vyasa. He started the work with a salutation to his teachers and invoked the blessings of the Gods. He gave an account of the predecessors of ‘janamaojaya:’ Janamejaya. This version of Vaisampayana consists of 24000 verses and it is called ‘BaartsaMihta’= Bharata Samhita. 

III Stage:

   We are not in a position to make the development of the III Stage of Mahabharatam in a sequential manner for, it has undergone number of versions and additions. But it must have attained its present shape fairly before the birth of Christ because a Greek traveler refers to this work as consisting of one lakh verses and is known by the people of South India in 53 A.D. The III Stage of Mahabharatam is said to have been recited by ‘saaOit’ – Sauti – the son of ‘saUtpaOraiNak:’ = Suta Pauranikas.  But the 3rd chapter has been stated that ‘puraNama\’ – the Puranam is recited by the ‘saUt:’ = Suta himself. 

  This work is said to have consisted of one lakh verses but as per the account given by ‘saaOit’ – Sauti it should have only 96000 and odd verses. But the present Bombay edition consists of 95000 and odd verses. The work is called ‘Mahabharatam’ in the III stage.

‘mah%vaat\ Baarva%vaat\ ca mahaBaartmaucyato’ "Mahatvaat ca Bhaaravatvaat ca Mahaa Bhaaratam Ishyate"

The number of stories narrated to the Pandavas in their forest life, the philosophical and metaphysical discussions and the teaching of Dharma by Bhishma to Yudhishtira in Santi Parva and Anusaasanika Parva may be called as the amplified version of the III stage. The epic tradition of reciting verses to audiences the desire to make Mahabharatam an authoritative book concerning all matters of Hindu – public, private and religious life, the necessity to explain old concepts and practises, emerging ideas of divinities, the needs of poetics etc.. might have made the successive redactors to enlarge this work.

Wednesday, 8 December 2021



Sustainability means using natural resources in a way that we could keep doing for long time. We can be more sustainable by reducing our use of natural resources.  This is like taking less candy out of the jar.  For eg; You could ride a bike instead of driving, which uses less oil.  

Climate change is greatly effecting the amount of bio-diversity we have on earth. Switching to walking or cycling for more of our shorter journeys help to protect bio-diversity.

Sustainable living involve reducing the amount of earth’s resources that you use to help protect it.

In a nutshell to live a sustainable lifestyle you should try to have as little of an impact on their earth as possible. While also trying to replace the sources you do use.

In connection with sustainable living, businesses that are also sustainable helps in achieving the desired result.  Among the small sustainable businesses I love, cycle shops takes the first place, followed by eco-friendly paper bags.

India is the world’s second largest manufacturer of cycles after China and the third largest consumer as well. 

The cycle business has more customers from rural areas as villages need bicycles as mode of transport when there is no proper or effective road and infrastructure provision.

 Next to villages, schools and universities also stock up on bicycles as they need them for meeting the sports, health and fitness needs of their students and staff.

Usually till to date, cycles are regularly used by Postman, Milkman, Courier Service Personnel and small vendors.

In Chennai, the cycle business is of three different varieties which are highly useful to the people who commute to the work place using either a cycle or a public transport.  Learn how?

·        Opening a cycle shop with cycles ranging from kids to adults. If possible you may invest cycles meant for racers.

·        Hire cycle shops: This facility is still available in Chennai where you can hire a cycle on hourly basis.  With the advancement of technology, smart bikes are also available and it is operated using app.

·        Cycle stand:  This is an unique facility where the customers can leave their cycles in the cycle stands which are generally operated near the Railway stations and Bus stands.  Then, they can proceed to their destination through public transports. Till they complete  their work and get back, their cycles will be safe and secured in the stands with minimum charges.  The stands will be of a covered place so as to protect the cycles from heat and rain.

In the cycle shops, the business profits can be from 5 lakhs to 20 lakhs rupees.


Apart from these business issues, cycles are friendly towards environment.

·        Cycling/cycles cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions reduces air pollutants, reduces noise pollution.

·        Reduces the need for new parking lots and roadways.

·        It creates less noise less air-pollutions and results in fewer emissions that are warming the atmosphere.

·        Children can take advantage of slower and less dangerous traffic to ride bicycles as well.

·        When people walk or ride a bike as transport they are more likely to use local businesses for their shopping.

·        Riding enables people to interact socially and feel more connected with their local community.

Cycling causes virtually no environmental damage, promotes health through physical activity, takes up little space and is economical, both in direct user cost and public infrastructure cost.

In short cycling is environmentally, socially and economically sustainable.

The second small business I love is eco-friendly paper bags.

To reduce the carbon footprint made by the ever-so-durable plastic bags, the paper bags can be used to protect the environment.

It is the most trusted and best eco-friendly product business idea that caters to the need of the hour.

The best part is the contemporary paper manufacturing process does not involve cutting down trees rather paper bags can be manufactured by using the raw materials like straw fiber, coconut husk, sugarcane waste, jute twine, recycled paper and elephant dung.

 Written as part of Blogchatter's campaign #ECommerceInnovation. Read more posts in the campaign 

Thursday, 2 December 2021


शब्दार्थौ काव्यम् is the definition of Kavyam.   Poetry known as

Kavyam in Sanskrit is placed after Vedas and Puranas.  It is one of the three types of literature in sanskrit language गद्यम् prose, पद्यम् poetry & चम्पू a mixture of both prose and poetry.  चतुष्पदं पद्यम् - is the definition for पद्यकाव्यम् poetry literature.

Ramayanam is known as आदिकाव्यम् first literature, written by वाल्मीकिः in 24,000 slokas, this first epic आदिकाव्यम् is divided into seven chapters namely  बाल - अयोध्या - अरण्य - किष्किन्धा - सुन्दर - युद्ध & उत्तर काण्डा

Epics have influenced many poets to compose Kavyas in Sanskrit.

Maha Kavya known is elaborate in size.   सर्गबन्धो महाकाव्यम् उच्यते तस्य लक्षणम्” = Any poetical composition which is well knit in chapters is called a MahaKavya. 

The plot of Mahakavyas can be taken from Puranas and other good sources . It can also be based on the political and social problems of the age.  

There are five Mahakavyas popular in Sanskrit Literature. 

Kalidasa is one such poet who has written two Mahakavyas namely Raghuvamsam and Kumarasambhavam. 

Kiratarjuneeyam of Bharavi, 

Sisupala Vadham of Magha and

Naishadheeya Charitam of Sri Harsha 


 Kalidasas comparative beauty is unique.  The following sloka praises the glory of above great poets

उपमा कालिदासस्य भारवेरर्थगौरवम् ।

दण्डिनः पदलालित्यं माघे सन्ति त्रयो गुणाः

Kalidasa excels in his similes, Bharavi excels in depth of ideas, Dandin excels in his lucidity of words and Magha excels in all the three qualities’.


  Zatayupa was an ancient sage and a king of the Kekaya kingdom. He gave up his throne to his son and went to the Kurukshetra forest to me...